flying just recently, as many busy people do, and stumbled upon the “Business Lesson” section in Southwest Magazine.
In it was a quote from Jim Henson, the late entrepreneur and master puppeteer. I ripped it right out of the magazine (sorry Southwest) and now have it hanging on my door as a reminder that no matter what, your approach to business will take you nowhere if you blaze the same trail that others (your competitors) have blazed before.
You’ll just end up, covered in the dust of the trail and the dust your competitors (who are doing things differently) are kicking in your face as they run miles ahead of you on the trail.
The philosophy of the quote embodies what we’re doing at hr-haven. Those in the community that share Jim’s philosophy (Sean, Michael, Brett, Gregg, and the other business mavericks who won’t stand for ordinary – you know who you are), will continue to cut through the same old “business as usual” mentality and create success that only
people who dare to share Jim’s philosophy can achieve. I thought it might be a good thing to share with the businesses we do business with too, because to their credit, the mere act of working with
hr-haven and our unorthodox team of people program creators means they’re doing something to keep themselves from being covered in the dust of their competition.
Here’s the word according to the late, great Jim Henson.